About Us

 Dedicated to making products that inspire you to love you and BE YOU!

 Embarking on her own transformative journey amidst the challenges of military life, parenting special needs children, and navigating the solo waters of deployment, Ariell stumbled upon a game-changing revelation. Self-care isn't just a luxury; it's a necessity, especially in the rollercoaster of motherhood. Enter Woodknots + Whimsy,  a spirited, empowering, and utterly joyful movement dedicated to showering moms li with love, support, and a hefty dose of fun.

Imagine a haven where knowledge empowers, mental health is cherished, self-care is celebrated, and community thrives—all wrapped up in the joyous bundle we call our Postpartum Subscription Box. This isn't just any box; it's your new best friend, cheerleader, and personal spa rolled into one, designed to pamper you from head to toe with all-natural home and body care delights.

Our mission is simple yet revolutionary: to inject fun, wisdom, and wellness into every aspect of motherhood. We're turning everyday routines into exhilarating self-love fiestas, where moms can dive into a treasure trove of knowledge, uplift their spirits, and bask in the glow of well-deserved self-care. Each box is a lovingly crafted sanctuary, offering a curated selection of goodies that perfectly align with the joys and challenges of the postpartum journey.

But wait, there's more! Beyond the pampering, our vibrant community is the heart of our mission. Imagine connecting with fellow moms who get it—the laughter, the tears, the triumphs, and the mess-ups. We're building a supportive family where sharing, learning, and growing together is the name of the game.

Dive into our Postpartum Subscription Box, where knowledge lights the way, mental health is a priority, self-care is non-negotiable, and community is everything. It's more than a collection of items; it's a toolkit for thriving, a celebration of motherhood, and a commitment to enjoying every moment of this wild ride. Welcome to a space where you're encouraged to be unabashedly you, to embrace the beautiful chaos of motherhood, and to flourish with every delightful surprise our box brings to your doorstep. Let's make self-care as fun and empowering as it should be, because you, fabulous mama, deserve it all!